Meet the Team
All the people that you see here are real. Only their details have been changed to save them from legal action if their true leisure activities were to be revealed. If you really want to know what we do in our spare time, pop in with a car battery and two lengths of heavy duty cable.
Learn More About Our Team Below

Brian is the managing partner at Castle Cameras.
He spends his days hidden in a cupboard juggling product and sales data, does a bit of cycling, (including a 200km ride every month) for relaxation and checks our local Wetherspoons once a week to make sure that they haven't put up the price of beer.
He started Castle Cameras in 1974, is retired on Thursdays when he looks after his granddaughter and has an interesting a collection of classic cameras that has been stored in cardboard boxes for the last five years while Pete the builder completes his magnum opus at our original shop.

Racheal is a partner at Castle Cameras.
She also manages to fit in being a mother of 2 and her latest challenge being the Region Commissioner for Girlguiding South West England. Her current camera is Canon Powershot G1Xiii.

The Transporter, Quantam of Solace and Dirty Dancing all have characters based on Deb. We know her as 'The Enforcer'. Sounds harsh but she's really a closet pussycat and can be pacified with a good bottle of red wine... Deb spends most of her day monitoring the mail order, keeping her pidgeon coop clean and tidy and keeping all as organised as she can.
Jim (50+)
Jim (50+) started out with big dreams of becoming the greatest William Shatner lookalike the world had ever known, but once he realised he looked nothing like him and still had a mortgage to pay, Jim (50+) took the brave decision to manage our Salisbury shop & start curating his impressive collection of Things That Will Be Useful One Day.
Jim's (50+) claim to fame is that he was the inspiration behind the TV phenomenon that is Ru Paul's Drag Race.

Swinge enjoys gravy with everything, chips, pies, ice cream. Tee shirts in winter. Newkie Brown by the case.. You would be forgiven for thinking swinge is northern, Swinge is in fact from a far off place called Suffolk..
We believe it is an exotic land of warm sunshine, palm trees, endless golden beaches and strawberry daiquiris on tap. But its far too far to go and check.
Swinge splits his spare time between Pigeon Fancying & Ferret Racing.

We let Shirley move to our Winton showroom a few years ago as Moordown had become inundated with ne'er-do-wells.
Despite being named after an Indian Restaurant in Birmingham, Shirley has done rather well for herself - recently completing her 3rd Ironman Triathlon and is credited with introducing dubstep to the UK.

Robin Van Courier hails from the dark satanic mills that line the Buckinghamshire countryside.
As a younger man Robin enjoyed success as a stunt double in Teen Wolf. However, after failing to break it in Hollywood, Robin decided to start over with a new life in Dorsetshire where he felt his wizard like appearance would allow him to blend in well with the native Hobbitses and other Tolkien characters that live in the Dorset countryside. You will often find him pawing over lenses, fascinated by the pretty shiny colours that glint off his glasses. Interestingly, if you hold Rob up to your ear you can very faintly hear the music of Slade.

Much like that haunted doll you swear you threw down the village well, he's back.
Now splitting his time between Bournemouth and Salisbury, expect to find him where you would least like to find him.
Just like his style icon, Luke would do anything for love, but he won't do.. That? Well, I'm a little bit disappointed.
Luke has joined something the kids are calling Instantgran?

Charlie is our new most northernest of Northeners. He's recently relocated to the sunny south from the bleak north (his words not ours)
Charlie, a stauch Stoke fan, has deserted his hometown after being mistaken for Noddy Holder one too many times.
Charlie was the inspiration for the Prodigy song Omen.

Lucy has been here for ages, we just forgot where we put her.
If you are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Lucy in real life approach with caution, and always offer food with an open palm.
Facts about Lucy in no particular order.
- She loves all animals, except cows as their milk could make her implode.
- She isn't entirely sure what an artichoke is.
- She was once hired to photograph a hampster's wedding.

Cleorla Cheetara Cheola Cleola may be softly spoken, however, if you fail to pronounce her name right, you'll awaken the almighty beast within!
A keen amature mime, Cle has been known to stand silently for hours on end.
Cleola is in the Guinness book or records, but she won't tell us why
Cleola turned down a promissing career in millinery to work for Castle Cameras.

Mark has stopped working for our competitors and come to us with 18+ years of experience in the photo trade.
If not in the shop he's probably photographing something with wheels, such as car parks, cheese factories, Penny Farthings, Heelys, Stealers wheel and even the odd cider press.